16 - A question for you…

“taking the bull by the horns” RN 1999

Today as I was mooching about in my studio feeling a little agitated as I needed to let go of something that’s bubbling up inside of me, I came across a few canvasses belonging to my husband. He actually said I could reuse them as he didn’t want to hold on to them, so I began putting gesso and the first two. Then I found the third one which I think I should keep. It spoke to me. He did some art classes when he was going through a bad patch before his divorce. He said the art classes were a sort of escape for him during that time as he doesn’t feel the need to paint now. I have called this painting ”taking the bull by the horns”. I definitely don’t think this is what he meant it to be but I love the idea of looking back some twenty five years to discover that maybe his painting was his therapy and he did pick up the courage to take the bull by the horns and move on.

This makes me wonder if my painting is a form of therapy for myself that I must be a very bad therapist as I have been painting for seventeen years and know I am not remotely ready to give up. Or is therapy such a comfortable place to be that I have no desire to give it up.

Keep following me as one day I may have something interesting to say!

I used to fear being judged and its not something that you can avoid as we are always exposed. But before you do, you have to realize that if you don’t know me then judging me is pointless. I am open to being judged by people who know me.

So here’s a question…

what do YOU believe in? what are YOUR values?

You may not think my paintings are worth relating to, and that’s perfectly ok. They are a part of me and I am asking who are you?


17-First year of exhibitions in ages


15 - WTF